May 3, 2009

Family Vacation

We took a trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota last week and man, was it a blast.

It was so nice to get away with my boys and have some time alone for fun and relaxation together! It was also nice to not hear "Mom, can we play Star Wars" every 3 and a half minutes. For four days! We instated a 'no electronics' rule for the trip and it didn't seem to phase anyone, especially the 6 yr old in the car.
We stayed in a great little cabin for the first two days just outside of Keystone, which is the closest town to Mt. Rushmore. It was roomy, had a kitchenette for us to fix our own food, and they had a great little fire pit, for smores of course. The owners of the property, Tammy and Rick are the nicest people, and were super helpful with our visit to their area. Their dog Chester was a friendly greeter and kept a watch over us for our stay.

We did some fishing, (didn't catch anything).
Then went to visit "the heads" as Mr. Big calls them.
We visited Sylvan Lake and fished some more (still didn't catch anything). After we tired of practicing our casts, we took a hike around the lake. The most beautiful lake I've ever seen!
We then moved on to Hot Springs, where the Mammoth Site is. How amazing! I'm not even a history buff or science geek, but I found it fascinating!
Lots of silliness ensued on the trip, and it was just a great time. Can't wait to do another family road trip somewhere. I've heard rumors of Yellowstone coming up next...


  1. I am a total history and science geek and have been wanting to see THE HEADS for a while, now. I'm envious! It looks like you guys have fun though--and no electronics on a family vacation and you all still like each other? That's awesome and definitely wouldn't have happened when I was a kid :P

  2. it sounds like a great trip! i'm thinking of installing a no electronics rule in our household for parts of the summer. it seems like there is less bickering somehow. :)

    your comment on my blog today made me laugh. thanks for that...i needed it. :)
