August 29, 2009

The finished product

I finished up my DQS7 quilt this morning.
I'm so pleased with it.

My partner loves rainbows, and I thought that would be a fun pallet to work with. I chose this design to show off the colors and not complicate the quilt too much with lots of squares or triangles.

The label was made by tracing the DQS7 logo onto white on white fabric with some colored Sharpies. I love using Sharpies for my labels just because they come in such an array of colors, and they don't bleed too much.

For the backing, I used a cute sheet I found at the thrift store a few months ago. It's not vintage, but it sure is fun, and it went perfectly with this quilt.

When I started the quilting, I noticed that my walking foot was not working so well. It was pushing the fabric, making the middle bar of black and white move in the direction I was quilting. So I ripped out a few lines of quilting and went to the store to get a new walking foot. I was ready to put down some money for a new foot, that is until I realized HOW EXPENSIVE THEY ARE!!! The Viking store wanted $90 for a new one! I'm sorry, but I don't even think my machine is worth that any more, so NO, I was not going to spend that on a foot.

Since I wanted to get the quilt done, I used my free-motion foot to make straight-ish lines. I actually like it better than if I had used the walking foot to get nice uniform straight stitching. This quilting just seemed
I. love. it.

I've since bought a foot off of eBay for a really reasonable price, so any straightness that needs to be done in the future will be done correctly, and hopefully with no puckers like the last project I used it on.

I hope she loves it, because it has really grown on me during the process of making it. I've heard other swappers mention how hard it is to let their quilts go, and now I understand. I'm going to miss this beauty!


  1. Gorgeous! Well done! Can I ask what the finished size is? I can't tell if its 20"x20" or 60"x60" :-) LOVE the bright colors! You're swap partner will be thrilled, I'm sure!

  2. It's gorgeous. Know I didn't mention rainbows :( shucks!!!

    I'm getting ready to start some hexagons too.... piano, tennis, carpool line... I like what "All Buttoned Up" did - "appliqueing" them onto her jeans! Maybe on a skirt would be nice too.

  3. Beautiful quilt! The rainbow effect is gorgeous!

  4. testing, testing ... 1, 2, 3 ... ... ...

  5. What a gorgeous doll quilt! I absolutely love the design and the quilting is inspirational. Great work!

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. That is beautiful! What a great color idea. I also love the free motion lines...

  7. I love the rainbow colors and the organic quilting is great. Your swap partner with be very happy I'm sure. It's a beautiful piece.

  8. as the person who received this I can honestly say that I AM SO SO HAPPY!!!

    The quilt is just fabulous - and will take pride of place on my crafting room wall.

    Thank you so much Jennifer - you made my day xxx

  9. What a fantastic quilt! Love it. Lucky, lucky, partner of yours! ;o)

  10. I absolutely LOVE this!! Fabulous little quilt. How could you give it away?
