September 13, 2009

The Awesome People of Joanns

I need to share a little something with you all. But I'll warn you, it's deep. Like, get ready for chills down your spine and possibly tears, deep.

This is AWESOME.

I work with some of the most creative, giving, thoughtful, encouraging, empathetic, supportive people in the world. And I have to tell the world about it.

I have a super part time job at my local Joanns Fabric and Crafts store, and I love it. I love it even more because of this story.

We have a coworker, Mary C, who was just recently, very recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The big, ugly, with a capital B and C, BREAST CANCER. She's going in for a double mastectomy tomorrow. DOUBLE MASTECTOMY. And she has the best attitude. I don't even know her that well, but what I do know, is that her attitude toward this battle is a BRING IT ON. The kind of attitude you need in times like this.

Our store manager is equally awesome, and just did the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer a couple of months ago. Not because she's had Breast Cancer, or because someone in her family is going through it, but because another store manager just lost her battle with Breast Cancer. And then we found out numerous other employees have had it or know someone with it. Did I mention she's awesome? Yeah.

Well, my newest quilty friend at work, Mary B, asked our manager Merrie H if maybe we could do a quilt for Mary C. (Yes, I work with a lot of Marys - or is it Mer-i in plural?)

She immediately said YES. So a call went out for quilt squares. And boy did they come in! I would estimate that more than HALF of the employees at our store put a square together for Mary C's quilt. All that was asked is that they be in pink - obviously - and that they be a certain size. Then it was put together - in a beautiful way I might add - and quilted by the genius behind this wonderful idea, Mary B. She did a fabulous job. I just get chills thinking of all the hard work everyone put into this priceless gift.

The best part of it is that each square is unique and holds a lot of love and encouragement from it's maker. Everyone truly put their heart and soul into each square. Amazing.
This is the block I made for her. I love quotes for special gifts. I especially love this quote because, seriously, this is how it is sometimes.
This is the finished product that I just had the chance of sneak peeking at Mary B's house today.

I just have to say that this is my first *kind of close connection* to anyone that has had to endure this battle, and I am super proud to be able to include myself in this special project.

Everyone knows someone who has been affected by this......this......BREAST CANCER. So please remember to help when you can, even if it just means keeping them in your thoughts.

Now excuse me, I have to go find the tissue box.
**edited to add the names of everyone that took part in this project. In order of blocks in the quilt.
Marrie H. Cathy B. Catherine P. Velma V. Gloria S. Ruth A-S. Mary B. Morgan G. Chelsea C. Emily I. Debra C. Sue C. Susan B. Wanda T. Jim H. Samira K. Michaella W. Sheree G. Maria S. Joyce R. Joanna T. Terry R. Jennifer J. Delores A. Sue H. Linda P. Terri C. Susan S. Shelley H. Georgianne H. THANK YOU EVERYONE.


  1. that is sooooo great!!! the quilt turned out beautiful.
    i knew i like Joann's for a reason!

  2. what a cool idea and gorgeous quilt that turned out.
