March 11, 2010

That was easy

While cleaning up a little in the craft room, I came across three leftover blocks from a quilt I made a couple years ago. This seems to happen all the time.  I can't bear to throw them away, but I don't want to take the time RIGHT NOW to decide what to do with them. Does this happen to you?

Since I try to stay focused on dreaming cleaning, I always put these orphan blocks in a drawer, or a pile, to save them for when I'm ready. Well, that drawer is getting full, so I figured I'd use these 3 blocks to make a little quilt RIGHT NOW.

I put this whole thing together in one day. ONE.DAY.  That is a record for me, even though this little thing is only 10 x 23. The reason I sound so shocked is that I rarely can stay focused long enough to complete anything in one day.

I'm not sure what I'll do with it yet.  Maybe put it in my shop, maybe donate it for an upcoming fundraiser at my son's school.  Hmmmmmmmm.


  1. You made me laugh with your comment about staying focused on dreaming/cleaning. This turned out really cute, and how edifying to finish it in a day.

  2. super cute!
    i have a couple of those waiting to happen as well.
    i love a the different quilting styles you did!

  3. Ohhhhh, very lovely!! Those colors are gorgeous.

  4. "That was easy" says it all. I too have orphan project parts all over my studio. I am always surprised by how easy it is to put them to good use. The hardest part is getting started!

    Georgianne at Nestle and Soar

  5. You can donate it to your new friend, Roxanne! :)
