December 16, 2010

White Elephant Gift Wrapping

I have a White Elephant gift exchange at work tomorrow. I almost forgot about it. a pinch, I went through our old CDs and found this Holiday CD from Old Navy. I think it was like $3 when I bought it, and I don't love it, so maybe some lucky sucker in my office will appreciate it more. Or not.

Since we don't have our Box O' Christmas Wrap down yet, I went with the old stand by - aluminum foil.

Now, being the crafty chic I am, the plain ol' foil wouldn't do, so of course I had to jazz it up with some painters tape as the ribbon. And a bow. Perfect.

I seriously LOVE White Elephant parties. It's so fun to see what kind of crap will get unwrapped next. The first White Elephant gift exchange I ever attended, I unwrapped a pitcher that looked like a monkey humping holding a pumpkin. It was awful. And awesome.

Merry Chistmas everybody!

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