April 30, 2009

It's not what it looks like

Well, apparently it's not the modem. I don't know what it is. It's about to become shrapnel on the street after I throw my computer off the roof.
The IT Guy at work said that I might have some MALICIOUS SOFTWARE, whatever that means. He suggests I reinstall the whole operating system. That means that I have to TAKE OFF all of my pictures (does he realize how many I have???) and other important stuff I need to keep. I need about 48 more hours in this week.

April 27, 2009

We're back but broken...

We're back from our family vacation, and I'd love to show you pics, but my modem has died and I'm waiting on a new one.

Hopefully in the next couple of days I can tell you all about our trip, and my first craft show, with pretty visual aids.

April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

Label on YBR Quilt
Originally uploaded by quayandco
Today my Aunt Kathy turns 60. She wanted to do something special since she's never celebrated any milestone birthdays before, but things didn't go as planned. Such a special birthday deserves a special gift, so I made her this quilt, sent a book and a little piece of chocolate. Now she can relax at home and celebrate her birthday under some home made birthday love.

April 11, 2009

Holy jewelry pouches Batman!

I've been working in the sweatshop craft room making jewelry pouches for an upcoming craft show. Lots and lots of jewelry pouches. Like, eleventeen hundred of them.
Well, really I only have about 20, but I can't tell you how tired I am of sewing circles

April 10, 2009


This table runner is my first project of the year using my scraps. I really like how it turned out. It was my first project using white fabric, and I'm glad I did because it makes the colors of the other fabrics scream out loud.

I used more scraps to piece the binding. That's my new favorite trick in my quilting. I often have a hard time deciding on what color to use for binding, but this way, I don't have to.